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जीभ बवंडर वाइब्रेटर

जीभ बवंडर वाइब्रेटर

नियमित रूप से मूल्य ₹ 5,199
नियमित रूप से मूल्य ₹ 6,499 विक्रय कीमत ₹ 5,199
बिक्री बिक गया
टैक्स शामिल।

अनुभव करें कि इस डबल ब्लेस टंग टॉरनेडो वाइब्रेटर के साथ मर्मज्ञ यौन संबंध बनाते समय मौखिक उत्तेजना प्राप्त करना कैसा महसूस होगा।

वाइब्रेटर डालने योग्य अंत में 12 अलग-अलग स्पंदन कंपन मोड के साथ-साथ घूर्णन अंत में 12 चाट मोड के साथ आता है, प्रति मिनट 600 रोटेशन तक। चयन की इतनी विस्तृत श्रृंखला आपको हर बार अपने लिए एक अलग लय सेट करने की अनुमति देती है जब आप इन "जीभ जुड़वाँ" के साथ कुछ मज़ा लेने का फैसला करते हैं।

वॉटर-प्रूफ वाइब्रेटर की चिकनी सिलिकॉन सतह आपको एक सहज प्रवेशक अनुभव प्रदान करती है। जी-स्पॉट और क्लिटोरल उत्तेजना को संयोजित करने के लिए इस वाइब्रेटर का उपयोग करें और एक ऐसे चरमोत्कर्ष का अनुभव करें जैसा पहले कभी नहीं किया था।

वाइब्रेटर जोड़ों द्वारा उपयोग के लिए भी आदर्श है, जो महिला को एक उत्साहजनक क्लिटोरल उत्तेजना प्रदान करता है, जबकि दूसरे छोर पर शक्तिशाली कंपन दोनों भागीदारों को उत्तेजित करता है क्योंकि पुरुष महिला में प्रवेश करता है। USB रिचार्जेबल बैटरी एक विश्वसनीय बैकअप प्रदान करती है, जिससे आप अपने वाइब्रेटर को चार्ज कर सकते हैं और जब भी आप उपयोग करने के लिए तैयार रहते हैं।

एक साल की वारंटी के साथ आता है।


  • 10 कंपन मोड; 10 रोटेशन मोड
  • USB केबल शामिल है (कोई एडेप्टर नहीं)
  • वाटरप्रूफ डिजाइन
  • साफ़ करने में आसान
  • मटीरियल: बॉडी-सेफ ABS
  • लंबाई: 20 सेमी | डालने की गहराई: 17 सेमी
  • अधिकतम व्यास: 3.5 सेमी


एक  पानी आधारित ल्यूब के साथ टंग टोरनेडो को खोलना कहीं अधिक सहज और आरामदायक होगा। a टॉय क्लीनर का इस्तेमाल करके कीटाणुओं को दूर रखें।



अभी ऑर्डर करें और इसे 2 से 5 दिनों में डिलीवर करें। 

पूरा विवरण देखें

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Cool Cucumber

My fiancee bought this for me and honestly I'm surprised at how good this is! Since I'm in self isolation currently, it just makes it easier to stay sane.

It looked super cute from the get-go but the strength of the vibrations really shocked me. A pleasant surprise, of course. I didn't expect much out of a toy that doesn't compare to the bigger dildos that I've used before. It proved me wrong.

Definitely recommend this to all no matter how much experience you have with sex toys.

Talking Globe

This was my first toy and I absolutely fell for it. I wanted something small and easy, just because all other toys looked kinda scary. This cute thing is doing a great job so far.

It fits me perfectly and I think I have strted spending more and more time with it in quarantine. Definitely recommend this in this time.

Gliding Donut

I purchased this for my girlfriend because we're in separate homes because of self isolation.
She absolutely loves it! She told me that the size was perfect, it was super easy to clean, and that even though she misses my touch, she'll be good for a good while because of it.

Wriggly Carrot

At first I was a little worried so I tried it without the vibrations first. It felt good inside but the flaps didn't do much. With vibrations, though, the magical flas start doing their thing, which got even better once I turned on their rotation. All I can say is that it's incredible. Absolutely fabulous. The aesthetic is beautiful and the functionality is beautiful.

It's nice and gentle but also wild and powerful. A perfect mix.
Just get creative and figure out your favourite modes and just enjoy.

It's not loud so you won't be reminded that it's a toy every second. You can just close your eyes and lose yourself. I wholeheartedly recommend this tongue tornado.

Fuzzy Pepper

I love this tongue tornado so much that I rarely go a day without using this. Especially since it's so difficult to stay occupied during quarantine.

I also love that it is so easy to clean because that's a real time-saver. Not like I need to be saving much time but it's nice anyway.

Customer Reviews

Based on 31 reviews
Cool Cucumber

My fiancee bought this for me and honestly I'm surprised at how good this is! Since I'm in self isolation currently, it just makes it easier to stay sane.

It looked super cute from the get-go but the strength of the vibrations really shocked me. A pleasant surprise, of course. I didn't expect much out of a toy that doesn't compare to the bigger dildos that I've used before. It proved me wrong.

Definitely recommend this to all no matter how much experience you have with sex toys.

Talking Globe

This was my first toy and I absolutely fell for it. I wanted something small and easy, just because all other toys looked kinda scary. This cute thing is doing a great job so far.

It fits me perfectly and I think I have strted spending more and more time with it in quarantine. Definitely recommend this in this time.

Gliding Donut

I purchased this for my girlfriend because we're in separate homes because of self isolation.
She absolutely loves it! She told me that the size was perfect, it was super easy to clean, and that even though she misses my touch, she'll be good for a good while because of it.

Wriggly Carrot

At first I was a little worried so I tried it without the vibrations first. It felt good inside but the flaps didn't do much. With vibrations, though, the magical flas start doing their thing, which got even better once I turned on their rotation. All I can say is that it's incredible. Absolutely fabulous. The aesthetic is beautiful and the functionality is beautiful.

It's nice and gentle but also wild and powerful. A perfect mix.
Just get creative and figure out your favourite modes and just enjoy.

It's not loud so you won't be reminded that it's a toy every second. You can just close your eyes and lose yourself. I wholeheartedly recommend this tongue tornado.

Fuzzy Pepper

I love this tongue tornado so much that I rarely go a day without using this. Especially since it's so difficult to stay occupied during quarantine.

I also love that it is so easy to clean because that's a real time-saver. Not like I need to be saving much time but it's nice anyway.

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Our product line has been meticulously chosen by a panel of specialists to guarantee you receive only the finest quality goods. Shopping with us gives you the assurance that you're getting top-notch products.

Moreover, every item purchased from our store comes with a 9-month warranty that we fully support. In the event that you encounter any difficulties with your purchase within that time frame, you can contact us for a replacement.